As you all know being in Japan has made me more of an American than I was in the US. It is always the second question I am asked, "Where are you from." Then I get random conversations about how cool Harley Davdison Motorcycles are and Disney Land. I know, I should LOVE Harley Davidson and good ol' Mickey and Minnie but I happen to know very little about both. I just nod my head and fain interest (that is starting to become my most marketable skill. How do you phrase that in a resume, seriously!). So this July 4th I planned a BBQ, America style, for all my friends. Most of the people I hang around with are from other countries like the UK, Canada, and of course Japan, so this was a piece of Americana for them. It was nothing special, but it was fun. (But MAD PROPS to my girl Sara, who always holds it down for American, what what!). So I asked my lovely boy Todd to make some questions about American history for the BBQ so we could have a trivia game. The questions were awesome but there were Japanese people there that had no idea what was going on. They said they would do a Japanese history quiz next time and I was all for it but they got a bit squeemish when they learned I love history, too much pressure I guess. So here are a few questions for you. Can you answers these? If not, FOR SHAME, FOR SHAME, Americans! But for all the other people, get a couple right and call yourself a genius!! Enjoy, I know I did!I heart History and the boy who made these questions for me!!1. How many civilians were killed by British soldiers during the famous "Boston Massacre"?
2. What war was considered the "dress rehearsal" for the American Civil War?A. War for Texan Independence B. War of 1812
C. Black-Hawk War D. Mexican-American War
3. Which two American Presidents won the Nobel Peace Prize while in office? Which President won the prize after leaving office? A. Theodore Roosevelt & Woodrow Wilson B. Franklin Roosevelt & John F. Kennedy
C. John F. Kennedy & Bill Clinton D. Woodrow Wilson & Bill Clinton
4. Which two presidents were impeached by the House of Representatives? Which President resigned his office?
A. Ulysses S. Grant & Warren Harding B. Warren Harding & Bill Clinton
C. Andrew Johnson & Bill Clinton C. Andrew Johnson & Calvin Coolidge
5. Name three of the four American Presidents who were assassinated.6. What date was the Declaration of Independence signed?If you like this kind of thing I was thinking of doing a big trivia night with history so give me some positive feedback and I will make it happen!
From an American.