Tuesday, December 19, 2006


It is part of the Japanese Christmas tradition to eat Christmas Cake on the 25th. Japanese people don't really celebrate Christmas as we do in the States, they just like seeing the lights and decorations. In Japan, Christmas is a couple's holiday, where they romantically exchange gifts and stare lovingly into each other's eyes over dinner for two. And here is a picture of it: the amazing, delicious, deceptive, and very christmasy Christmas Cake! I knew you were wondering what it looked like and how it tasted (yummy by the way). And it is important to know about it because the last question on my Christmas Quiz is, "Do Americans eat Christmas Cake on Christmas?" Well.... do they? Hmmmm, having trouble with this question? The only question that my students had trouble with was, "where does Santa Claus live?" They all think it is Norway for some reason. But don't worry I set them straight! And then had them write letters to Santa begging for him to forgive their ignorance!
Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 11, 2006

More Fun Keitai Photos

Recently, while sitting at home trying to keep warm in my inhumanly cold house I began to contemplate the greatness of the Japanese cell phone. They are great. They have a ton of functions on them, look cute, and are not ridiculously small like Americans like them. And the best thing about Japanese cell phones is the camera. Everyone takes pictures all the time. It is perfect for those moments when you see the most interesting or hilarious thing and wish you have a camera on you. I know I sound like the official spokeswoman for keitais but it is one of the biggest things I will miss when I leave Japan. Consequently, the lack of heat that is prompting me to sit in front of the computer in the first place is not one of the things I will miss about Japan.

Anyway, here is some randomness that I recently caputred with my keitai.

This is a photo from the elevator in one of the nearby stores in lovely Unnan (Cheriba). Apparently, if you get one of your appendages caught in the door, they will send out a huge crab to pinch your finger as punishment.

I was standing in the train station waiting for Todd to get back from orientation in Okayama when I noticed this sign by the doors. They graciously translated it into English so that the foreigners who are around have no reason to disobey it's logic. While there is nothing wrong with the English, it is just a big odd, isn't it?

And it is enkai time here in Japan. Enkais are work parties where you drink copious amounts of alcohol with all your co-workers in the effort to bond. The end of the year party is one of the biggest and therefore has the best food and games. Yes, you heard me, games. So we played bingo and guessing which was the least important event to happen at the school, followed by an invigorating game of junken (rock, scissors, paper). Anyway, I took a picture of this cool fish they used as decoration for the sashimi (raw fish). Apparently this fish is quite rare and has
cool poka dots. I did the foreigner thing and took
a picture of it.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Funniest Exam Ever!

This week the end of the semester exams are taking place. So, like usual, I was put in charge of making the 3rd grade listening test. This semesters topics are weather, expressing opinion, and halloween. (By the way, not a single student got the date of Halloween correct. Either that means I am a bad teacher or my students are retarded, I am betting on the later.) Also, the third grade, since it is an elective class, can do special projects, like make an English movie. So we did. We have two groups in our class and two very interesting movies that are still going through the editing process. The theme of movie making was also included on their exam. The students were required to write about their role in the movie, what they thought of editing, and their overall thoughts on making the movie. One of my students wrote for his thoughts on the movie,

"I was excited to make movie. I'm a hot dog."

I found this incredibly hilarious for a few reasons, first there is no hot dog in any of the films we made and second, his English is excellent. My third grade elective class does not have the best English ability in the school as one would have thought. They were made to take an elective class and they hate all the other options more than English. It makes for an very enthusiatic class some days!&#*^@! So I have no idea why my student wrote this but he got full points for his response! Awww the power of being a teacher!