Thursday, July 12, 2007

Saying Good Bye

As most of you know, I will soon be leaving Japan. I have truely loved living in Japan. It has been quite an adventure. I have learned a lot about myself and about other people. The people who survived Shimane with me will always be close to my heart. The way I feel about Shimane is difficult to express. Most of the time I have liked our rural prefecture and the abundance of old people and rice fields. But there are some days I just wanted to jump up and down and scream my lungs out. Shimane is like a bad child (or Kitty if you will), most of the time it is sooo cute and other times it destroys your house! That is a deep, deep metaphor! :)

So, I thought there was no better way to commerate my tenure in Japan than posting pictures of Todd, Kitty, and I repapering the screens at my house. It was a stress reliever for both Todd and Kitty. If you have never just put your fist through a square of paper that you have tirelessly tired to keep whole, then you have not lived!


Lisa's Friend said...

Good Luck
I'm happy you liked Shimane so much. You are leaving soon. I wish I could have seen you.
I believe new life in Moscow must be exciting.
Are you taking your cat along back to Ohio ? If so, you must finish quarantine routine before checking in at the airport. You need more time than usual passengers.
Lisa is backing on track with her cat after 8-month's time in Beijing.

Unknown said...

Do you get to take apart your house before you leave? *laughs* When will you leave for Moscow?

Anonymous said...

Meow! I'm roving ry rime rat ry rew rome. I rill rirds, rice, rand rolls. I ralso ret roo restroy ranother rerson's rouse! Ry rope ro ree roo roon!

