Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Saying Goodbye to Moscow

Leaving Moscow was one of those bitter sweet moments in life. I could make lists upon lists of reasons why leaving was the best decision I had ever made but at the same time, I did not want to leave aspects of my life there.

Moscow taught me lots of things. I learned, surprisingly, that I like people. It was fun to break down people's barriers, tease out a smile from their grim street faces, and destroy stereotypes of what you expect from certain types of people. In the end, I learned that Moscow has some of the best people in the world. With every interaction I had, it made my decision to study social work even easier. I would recommend to anyone, that if you need to test yourself, find out what you are made of, then spend a year in Moscow.

So to say goodbye to Moscow properly is to say goodbye to all of it's wonderful people (of course, not all of them are pictured here, the kiosk ladies would not let me photograph them! hahaha).

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