Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Let's Take A Vote

Ok, so I have decided I am in no way, shape, or form recontracting for a third year in the JET program. Therefore I am faced with the horrendous decision of deciding what I will actually do in a year's time. I have a few options but I would like you to vote and help sway my decision one way or another. But remember if my life is a complete failure in the end I will have your votes on record and be able to blame you upon my death bed! (kidding! ...... or am I?)


1. Peace Corps (potentially going to the Ukraine where I can learn Russian and talk about everyone without them understanding me, though, I do that now in English!!)

2. Law School (who doesn't want to sell their soul?)

3. Picking up alcoholism and living under a bridge, (I should be so lucky to live under a bridge, most people only get cardboard boxes! ask Sara about that!)

4. Graduate school for Japanese (why not continually remind myself of how retarded I am for not being fluent in Japanese after two years in the country!)

5. Becoming barefoot and incidentally pregnant (descending to women's rightful place in society)

6. Moving back to the states (but this time to a cool city like Chicago, New York, Seattle because I am never again living in a rural area!)

7. Stripper (what!?! I would just be putting myself through college!!)

8. Moving to London and crashing at Kate's apartment (who wouldn't want me sleeping on their couch and eating all their food!!)
9. Investing heavily in the stock market and hoping I will make enough money never to work again!(Of course, first, I must learn about the stock market, but... details, details)
10. Astronaut (why not? It is as reasonable as the rest of the options listed above)


Anonymous said...

Number 8, obviously. Or 10, cos that would be cool

Also Sara, if you're reading this, apparently your box is not available to just anybody, so I can't comment on it. It needs to be more open, like Leslie's.

Anonymous said...

It's a tie between stripper and moving to London. Maybe you could move to London and become a stripper while you go to law school and learn Japanese? I could also offer the option to move to Germany and reside in my bathtub (you'll have to move out when me or roomie want to take a shower, though) ...

Janelle said...

I vote the alcoholism-bridge choice, it's clearly an upgrade from JET!

P.S. Kate, just succumb and make a freakin blogger account...but I do agree, Sara needs to open her box up.

Leslie said...

Sara's box is sooo popular!! I wonder why that is? (oh boxes, the simple joy they have brought to my life!)

Love the choices everyone, though Sandra, your's take the cake. I would love to move to London,strip to put myself through law school while still learning Japanese!

Comrade Hopkins said...

I'd be inclined to choose number 5. After all, I'm the man. Plus, as a woman, you are to frail and naive to do anything but cook. With your notable gender weaknesses, I'm surprised nature even lets you bear children. In any event, I haven't had lunch yet, so take those socks off and get in the kitchen!

Anonymous said...

I go for number 5 also, I've always been told it is a career choice for women and a sport for men. Get with it and go to law school, contract law ought to get you 6 figures in a short time. If you want to live under a bridge then Peace Corp is a logical choice, in Russia, volka, no pain, just 24 hours of fresh air. Padre